BookBeat Discount Code
Available discount codes at BookBeat.
How to claim your discount (step by step)
- To apply the coupon code, all you need to do is click on the "Claim Code" button above
- Copy the code once visible on your screen
- Thereafter, go to the BookBeat site and past the coupon code (see photo below)
- You can now enjoy listening to your favorite audio books at a discounted price.
Can I cancel my subscription on BookBeat anytime?
Yes. BookBeat allows its users to cancel their subscription anytime
What payment methods does BookBeat accepts?
You can pay your monthly subscription fee via VISA, Mastercard, Paylpal, or Apple Pay
What is BookBeat?
Tired of forgetting your books at home? Try BookBeat, a digital subscription for e-books and audiobooks, making it perfect for bookworms or audiobook enthusiasts. Regardless of the categories, BookBeat has everything you’ll need, allowing you to access 1 million books that can be found on BookBeat. With this app, you can multi-task, listen to audiobooks offline, and read books everywhere.
How do I use BookBeat?
For new users, you can download the app on the Google Play Store and the Apple App. It’s very easy to use and navigate, as it combines simplicity and elegance. For a first-time user, a 30-day free trial will be given, and you can cancel it on or before the trial ends; otherwise, the monthly subscription will be applied. You can choose between the basic account (£5,99/month), standard account (£9,99/month), or premium account (£17,99/month).